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Jivan Setu Blog»Importance of healthcare

Importance of healthcare

Posted on 27 Jun 2020 by 1387
Importance of healthcare


Healthcare is not only clinical treatment but also over all physical, mental and physiological care. For the sustainable development of human species it is required to develop healthcare sector, in coordination with technology and environment. If human being directly focus in development of technology without taking in confidence to healthcare and environmental sector than it can be a degradation in development of mankind. Thus for the sake of existence of human being and development of any country, we should treat healthcare as backbone of that country.

Some of responsible organizations of world like United Nations (UN) know the critical importance of healthcare. It leads to evolution of world health organization (WHO) hence WHO came into force on 7 April 1948 – a date WHO now celebrates every year as World Health Day. WHO is now consist of more than 7000 people from more than 150 countries working in 150 country offices, in 6 regional offices and has headquarters in Geneva. 

Now countries of all over globe are focusing in development of healthcare but there is no improvement in health of world as per the requirement. A report of study of WHO on non-communicable diseases, shows a serious condition of health of world.

Now countries of all over globe are focusing in development of healthcare sector, every country is providing a positive and special treatment for the sake of development of this sector. It leads to day to day increment in number of healthcare service providers and technology is also playing a great role in this direction but unfortunately there is no such improvement as per expectation.  


Even though there is satisfactory healthcare service provider spread all over glove but no expected improvement in this sector. I studied this and analyzed that main problem is UNORGANIZED HEALTHCARE SECTOR. 


Since this sector is not well organized so if there is available of treatment which can far away or nearby to patient but person who need it, not get in touch with service provider or delay in getting treatment. This is also one of important factor which leads for poor condition of healthcare sector. Jivan Setu (Refer as is company which has decided to organize the healthcare sector, initially focusing in the India.


Healthcare Management By Jivan Setu (


Jivan Setu  initially  focusing in organized healthcare sector in India and providing digital platform for management of healthcare sector that is dynamic platform which can be used by any of healthcare service provider we know Hospitals and clinics are not just only doctors and nurses anymore; these institutions equally depend on the efforts of managerial staff for their success. As the small clinics are turning into hospitals, hospitals into specialty and specialty hospitals into super specialties, there is a tremendous need for efficient non-medical staff who can manage the administration of the health care sector. 

Jivan Setu provides over all medical staff and non-medical staff management so that healthcare service provider can focus on their services without being busy in managerial activities. Services of Jivan Setu includes 

1.     Staff management 

2.     Appointment Management

3.     Patient Management

4.     Account management

5.     Globalization of services of healthcare service providers

6.     Website and apps management

7.     Digitization

8.     Digital and physical promotions of services 

9.     and much more

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